List of restaurants serving Mexican cuisine in Rochester and the surrounding area. Includes variations such as Tex-Mex.
City of Rochester
Adelita's Mexican Cocina & Tequila - Pittsford and Victor
Corona's - Webster, Brockport and Chili
Chipotle - Multiple locations
El Jimador - Farmington
Guacamole Tacos and Margaritas - Penfield
Itacate - Gates
Jose Joe's - Hilton, Greece and Charlotte (seasonal)
Los Gallos - Greece
Made in Mexico - Sodus
Margaritas Mexican Cantina - Greece
Maria's Mexican Restaurant - Webster
Mariachi De Oro - Medina
Mecate - Henrietta
Mesquite Grill - Gates and Brighton
Moe's Southwest Grill - multiple locations
Monte Alban Mexican Grill - Irondequoit, Webster and Penfield
Pura Vida Ville - Gates
Rancho Viejo - Gates
Rio Tomatlan - Canandaigua
Salsarita's Fresh Cantina - RIT, Henrietta
Taco Bell - multiple locations
Taco Dero - Gates, Across from the Greater Rochester International Airport
Burrito Fresco - Salsa and dip company