
  1. Coffeehouses that roast their own beans (local)
  2. Specialty Coffee
    1. Ethnic
    2. Third Wave
    3. Other
  3. Delivery Services
  4. Equipment & Merchandise
  5. Wholesale

The Coffee page provides a shopping directory list of stores providing coffee beans, ground coffee, and brewing supplies and services within the Rochester area.

For businesses that specialize in serving coffee beverages see: coffeehouses, cafes, and diners. Also check out tea and the fair trade and direct trade list.

Coffeehouses that roast their own beans (local)

Specialty Coffee


Third Wave

[wikipedia]Third_Wave_Coffee "refers to a current movement to produce high-quality coffee, and [considers] coffee as an artisanal foodstuff, like wine, rather than a commodity."


Delivery Services

Equipment & Merchandise



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2008-02-25 15:50:48   I created this page because there was no where good to put Better Beans, which is a coffee delivery service. I don't know much about coffee, so if someone could add other roasters & services, it would be appreciated! Also, not sure where to link this from the main page? —SaraChristine