A hangover is no way to start the day.
Rochester offers a variety of means to help you to cure (or at least alleviate) your morning-after woes:
A work out at the YMCA is a good way to get the juices flowing again.
If it's a Sunday, try brunch at Horizons.
Nick Tahou's was another tummy-filling favorite before it closed for the night
A crepe from Simply Crepes will cure just about anything.
Planned Parenthood is one of the few places in town that offers the Plan B pill to uninsured people.
And there's always a nap.
A big glass of Gatorade is the closest thing to a remedy you can get
If a heaping plate of greasy, breakfast food with coffee and OJ doesn't do the trick, just barf, pass out and get it over with. I recommend James Brown's for breakfast.
Okay, so coffee isn't quite the hangover cure it's touted to be. But that probably won't stop you from trying.
Suggestions from r/Rochester users:
"Avoid the hangover altogether by drinking plenty of water throughout the night."
"Jay's Diner, or Nick Tahou's. Fill you up, vomit later, and you'll be grand. Source: currently hungover"
"40 oz of water before you pass out the night before. Eat protein before bed (shit from wegmans), and eat eggs and coffee in the morning.
"Coconut water... It is an unbelievable remedy."
"Irish Breakfast at Sullivan's on Mt. Hope!" [There is no place called Sullivan's on Mount Hope. Maybe they mean Sheridan's?]
"Dim sum at Cantonese House. Lots of yummy food that fills you up without being heavy and greasy, lots of lovely tea to wake you up without further dehydrating you, and nice, spicy hot oil to do your head in."
"Country Sweet always helps, or go to Wegmans and buy those knock-off Boost nutritional shakes. They'll fuck your hangover up in no time."
"I can't remember which, but I've been to a diner that will make a prairie oyster if you ask. Not on the menu. Pretty sure it was either the South Wedge Diner or Mount Hope Diner."
"A walk down Park to Jine's does the trick."
"I have never felt better after a night of hard drinking than having a garbage plate for "breakfast" around 11 am/noon. Bill Grays or Tom Wahls are by far the best, because most other places, even if they used to be really good, use frozen burger patties or subpar meat nowadays, unfortunately. I wish I could assemble one with mac salad from one places, fries from another, meat patties from a third, and the hot sauce from a fourth, but alas I cannot. Also, non-traditionally, relish is really good on it and these places include it when you ask for "everything." The combination of greasy meat and carbs is the perfect hangover-combatting food. Get some fruit juice in there for the good sugar and you've got a perfect recipe for relief (of course, this is best paired with copious water and a good multivitamin the night before)."
Recommended remedies from local bartender Greg Libby:1
"Milk Thistle - Take one of these herbal supplements before you hit the bars and wake up the next day feeling more like a champion and less like a failure."
"Emergen-C - While most people take this in the throws of flu season paranoia, I find chugging this vitamin punch after a night of serious drinking will improve an otherwise dismal day before it even starts."
"Quit your complaining and have a Bloody Mary."
Or you could just drink it off:
- 1The South Wedge Quarterly (Holiday 2013 issue)