The Photography page provides general information and resources about photography in the Rochester area. |
Rochester Resources
Clubs and Resources
Flower City Arts Center is a local community darkroom.
Studio 678 - Photo Club for 6th, 7th and 8th graders in RCSD schools
Booksmart Studio - 1st Thursday of month - open critique session (see comments)
Sarah Amelia Antiques & Giclee - Not really a gallery per se, but sells a large selection of giclée canvas prints.
Photographers and Studios Local to Rochester
Anderson Alley Artists - List
Gregg and Mandy Dinino - Images Unveiled Photography
Empire West Photo - Dave and Melissa
Teri Fiske (Pumpkin Patch Photos)
Rick Juszkiewicz at Duncan Studio
Genesee Libby Studio - Wet-plate collodion studio of artist Jenn Libby.
Ted Kinsman -
Kinsman Physics Productions - Our very own snowflake photographer! Also does all sorts of other stuff - high speed, time lapse, and much more - great photo galleries.
Michael Rivera (Public Image)
Andris Silins Photography - Local fashion, beauty, portrait and commercial photography.
A Thousand Words Photography - Nate Sprague
Alpha by last name for named photographers.
See Photography/Supplies for supplies in the Rochester area
Photography Chains
Photography in Rochester
Photographs of Rochester
See Photographs for lists of Rochester area online photos and resources
Popular Photo Locations
From the base of the stairs beside the Broad Street Bridge, the glass of the Blue Cross Arena provides a wonderful mirror image of the city street and sky above.
Look North from the road circling the reservoir at Cobbs Hill Park. A gap in the trees provides what is probably the best open view of our city skyline. Also of note are the The Water Towers - beautiful Graffiti in the woods behind the park.
Views of the city from the Ford Street Bridge are well worth capturing at night, with the city lights reflected in the Genesee River.
Mt. Hope Cemetery - tombstones, landscape (kames, kettles, eskers), trees, and shrubbery.
Train Spotting - get into the game of photographing trains and related features
Internet Resources
Information Websites
Online Digital Printing Review and
Photo Sharing Services Review on
Rochester Flickr Group on
http://Flikr.com - a Yahoo affiliate
Digital Photo Printing Review on
Online Photo Services (alphabetically)
DotPhoto.com a top rated online storage and printing service
Flickr.com - a Yahoo affiliate uses Yahoo ID for access controls
Fotki.com a top rated service
KodakGallery.com - limits on access to actual images, must buy some service periodically
ShutterFly.com - a top rated online storage and printing service
WebShots.com - photo storage with good linking and sharing facilities
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2007-04-09 02:12:37 if there is an interest group for photographers in the Rochester area, it should probably be listed here. Does anyone know of one? —GrahamSaathoff
2007-04-09 09:36:12 Yes we have a very active flickr group, see above. We also have monthly get-togethers and will have more events once the weather warms up. Last year I set up a Flickr Lilac Festival outing, quite fun. —KimBee
2007-04-22 22:27:58 I was just at Cobbs Hill today. The view from the resivoir is pretty sweet. I have to take my camera with me next time and get some shots. —JohnJoseph
2008-02-16 11:11:25 Open Critique opportunity for Upstate New York photographers.
Every 1st Thursday of the month, Booksmart Studio holds an open critique session for photographers. There is no charge for the open critiques, just bring 2-4 of your own photographs and put them on the wall. There is no size limitation of the work you can hang on the walls.
Open critique runs from 7:00-9:00 PM and for every skill level. We divide the time equally so everyone will receive feedback from the open critique group. Discussions include visual, conceptual aspects, and technical issues within photography.
Booksmart Studio
250 North Goodman Street
Rochester, NY 14607 —EricKunsman