
     (Redirected from RickUrwin)

natroc.jpgOld Man Rochester @ MAG I was born right here in Rochester and other than leaving to work for a tech company in Plano TX for about 4 years, I’ve lived here as well (in the city near Main and Culver, on the beach at Lake Ontario and just recently, Brighton near Ellison Park).

I love life in the Roc and have a ton of great memories from growing up here. I’ve met a lot of great people over the years and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

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WOOT! I was honored with the DamnHippy —July 2006


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2008-09-03 12:16:47   Hello Rick, I also was recently awarded the DamnHippy - have been going to town on RocWiki as therapy to mask out the pains from surgery recovery. I made some addtitions and tweeks to the Reviewing Restaurants page you wrote - I highlighted your top comment and put in a footnote. Appreciate your work, so no harm intended - just don't want to discourage all those not-so-type-A contributors from doing some of the grunt work. (:.} —BradMandell

2009-08-01 09:26:11   Hi again Rick, just happened onto your Seth Green page and was quite happy to see such extended and researched work - Thanks. I even went to Wikipedia and put your article as an external link - of course, then I had to link to wikipedia and add in Seth's photo from wikimedia (:>) —BradMandell

2012-02-17 16:12:39   Hi Rick - I am looking for some information that doesn't appear to be noted elsewhere. I was reading your page on Margaret Woodbury Strong, as well as a few other local blogs of information about her and The Strong. It doesn't appear to be noted anywhere that The Strong Estate at 700 Allens Creek Road in Pittsford, near the Brighton town line, was open to the public as a museum at one time. I recall visiting the estate as a young girl in the early 1960s, or thereabouts, and became obsessed with dolls and especially doll houses. What a wonderful collection I viewed! I recall my anticipation of viewing the doll houses at The Strong National Museum of Play. Perhaps that information might fit on MWS's page somewhere? Regards.