RocWiki's Routes
This Routes page provides a central information source for the Rochester Region's major roads, routes, streets, etc.
Menu: - Interstate - US Hwy - NY State - Monroe County - Designated - Trails -Other - Bridges - Comments
Interstates and Interstate Segments
Interstate 90 -
Interstate_90 - portions are also Thruway
US Highways
New York State Highways
NY State Highways (distinguished by sign) - Anchor= #nystate
Route 390 -
New_York_State_Route_390 - northern segment is NY State Hwy
Route 531 -
New_York_State_Route_531 (AKA Spencerport Expressway)
Route 590 -
New_York_State_Route_590 - northern segment is NY State Hwy
Streets, Avenues, Boulevards, etc
Those falling at least partially within Monroe County - Anchor= #streets
City of Rochester Only
Park Avenue - Refers to both a road and a neighborhood.
State streets - Seven Rochester streets with names of states
Rochester and Suburbs
Suburbs Only
Penfield Road - part of Route 441
Other Designated Route Segments
Keeler Street Expressway - Rt 104 from Genesee River to US 590
Spencerport Expressway - (AKA Route 531)
Specially designated routes not included elsewhere - Anchor= #designated
Closed to motor vehicles but accessible to bicycles and pedestrians. This list refers only to trails that can be used for transportation, not simply recreation (such as those found in parks).
Other Transportation
Transportation-related features found on RocWiki - Anchor= #othertransport
Pont de Rennes (which spans High Falls)
Sister Cities Pedestrian Bridge
Fairport Erie Canal Liftbridge
Freddie-Sue Bridge - pseudonym for Douglass- Anthony
Douglass-Anthony Bridge - replaced Troup-Howell
Driving Park Avenue Bridge - demolished in 1986 or 1989
Troup-Howell Bridge - replaced by Douglass-Anthony
Veterans Memorial Bridge - Route 104 over the Genesee River
Separate RocWiki page Bridges - Anchor= #bridges
Please use the Talk Page for discussion on this page and for comments about the list. Make comments about individual routes on their appropriate page.
See also the parallel listing of Roadways
Menu: - TOP - Interstate - US Hwy - NY State - Numbered - Monroe St - Other Suburban - Designated - Other - Bridges